Title: North by North West
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Genre: Thriller
Setting: USA, 1959
Starring Carey Grant
This film is about an advertising exceutive who gets mistaken for a governement agent, he is kidnapped by two men and interogated by them and then let go however he is trying to track down the real government agent.
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Genre: Thriller
Setting: USA, 1959
Starring Carey Grant
This film is about an advertising exceutive who gets mistaken for a governement agent, he is kidnapped by two men and interogated by them and then let go however he is trying to track down the real government agent.
- Sense of confusion in the desert scene, baroness of the film indicates feeling of loss
- Loud sounds indicates silence, which creates the feeling of hopelessness - lack of music
- Strange man indicates danger- points out the crop dusting plane where no crops are growing
- Builds tension between the two men, then nothing happens
- Fright when plane turns on the man and attacks him
- Wide angles, cuts (editing) crane shots
- Vunderablility of the main character in a huge plac, on his own- portrayedas one tiny object
- Hitchcockshows the main character's body language changing with each situation
- Diagetic sounds- natural sounds to the film, e.g bus revving, crunch of stones beneath feet
- Anti- climax tension buliding, then letting down - false platter high tension levels decreasing then rising again
- Desert's baroness reflects on characters confusion and bewilderment
- Long road implies long journey for character
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